Are you interested in joining our board? Learn more & Apply

Thank you for your interest in serving as a member of the Board of Directors for Crossroads Corral. The mission of Crossroads Corral is to promote personal growth, hope and healing through horses. As a Board member, you will provide trusted guidance and act as a key decision-maker for the organization. Your role directly influences the future of the organization and our Board Members are an extremely valued member of our herd.

This application will be kept confidential and on file with the Crossroads Corral team. Applications are used to identify and evaluate potential board candidates. All new Board Members will be elected by a majority vote.

Board Member Responsibilities:

  1. Serves a minimum one year term. Regularly attends board meetings and important related meetings.
  2. Makes serious commitment to participate actively in the organization.
  3. Volunteers for and willingly accepts assignments and completes them thoroughly and on time.
  4. Stays informed about organization matters, prepare themselves well for meetings, and reviews and comments on minutes and reports.
  5. Gets to know other committee members and builds a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
  6. Actively participates in the organization’s annual and strategic planning efforts.
  7. Participates in fundraising for the organization.
  8. Promotes & represents Crossroads Corral well in the community.

Crossroads Corral Vision

To ensure that everyone in need has access to non-traditional, mental health treatment.


  • Respect– Respect each other, our clients, and our horses at all time
  • Grace- Show kindness, compassion, understanding, and courtesy to all
  • Accountability– Do what you say you are going to do and be trustworthy at all times.
  • Inclusive– Nurture an environment where everyone feels welcomed, celebrated, and belongs.
  • Integrity– Be honest at all times, and act in a way that positively reflects Crossroads Corral. We do what is right every time.
  • Empowerment– We empower every person in our herd and those we encounter to be their best self and promote personal growth.

Crossroads Corral Mission:

To promote personal growth, hope and healing through horses

What does Crossroads Corral do?

We provide Equine-Assisted Mental Health counseling, specializing in serving Veterans, First responders, Human Trafficking survivors, youth in foster care and others suffering from PTSD, trauma, abuse and neglect. Our team of Licensed Mental Health professionals and Equine Specialists conduct ground-based therapy sessions on our 15-acre farm in Longwood.

Board Member Application

Please describe the area(s) of expertise/contribution you feel you can make to further the mission of Crossroads Corral: (check any of the below that applies)
Are you available at least once per month for a 60-minute board meeting? (these can be virtual or in-person)